Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's official: DockDogs to have clubs in each of the 50 states!

Thanks to Hawai'i's first-ever DockDogs competition, enough dog enthusiasts have come forward to launch a DockDogs club in Hawai'i. With the creation of this club, each of the states will have at least one group of dogs and their owners busting radical airs and extreme jumps off the docks while they reach for the stars (or that elusive 30-foot mark!).
During the second weekend of the Hawai'i DockDogs competition, a DockDogs bootcamp (conducted by Kristi Baird, president of Puget Sound DockDogs and owner of Buddy, the #1 Chocolate Lab worldwide) took place to provide the necessary resources and and training needed to get the club up and running. A 10-Step Affiliation Process is followed in order to become a DockDogs Affiliated Club:
1) Submit home base address.
2) Host informational meeting
3)Determine club name, membership fees and officer list
4)Design club slogan and swag
5)Create constitution and bylaws
6)Send Members for Manual Judging Certification
7) Compile membership list
8)Register buisness
9)Create club activity timeline
10) Submit club application, bylaws, and payment

Normally this process takes awhile, however, due to the overwhelming interest it was decided to get the club started before the first ever DockDogs event in Hawai'i ended.
Before the competition at the 50th State Fair, this sport was virtually unheard of in the islands. Just two weekends of high-flying fun was all it took to bring the locals out (along with some amazing local dogs!) and generate excitement and enthusiasm needed to push the club into gear. If you are interested in finding a club near you, or starting your own, you can find the tools you need at Also, almost every team has a facebook page (see Aloha DockDogs).... try doing a DockDogs search in your area and see who you find! Your local club can provide training tips, locations, and even support in entering national competitions. For more exciting photos from the Hawai'i competition, updates, and contests, visit fab4pets' facebook page (

Friday, June 25, 2010

Codorus Summer Blast presented by Keystone DockDogs

Hey Keystoners, The Codorus Summer Blast presented by Keystone Dock Dogs is happening right now from Friday June 25th to Sunday June 27th. It's at Codorus State Park Main Launch area in Hanover , PA.
The Big Wave Competition and Extreme Vertical Competitions are happening Friday and Saturday. Don't think that dogs are having all of the fun, there is great food, swimming in the lake, crafts vendors, games an amusement park and live bands on Saturday night. Don't miss the PA family summer event of the season!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer fun with your dog: Some Do's and Don'ts to make the most of it!

No matter when summer comes to your part of the world, we are always ready for it. After months of cold, along with the rain, snow and other wintery gifts from Mother Nature that keep us indoors, that first day of Summer seems like a gift!
While taking along the family dog to enjoy the rays is often done without a second thought, be sure to keep some of these tips in mind:

1) Do consider things like your dog's age and physical limitations before bringing him or her along. While you and your kids might enjoy that 5-mile hike to the lake, your 12-year-old, arthritic Lab may not.

2)Don't exercise your dog during the mid-day or excessive heat. This can quickly lead to serious health issues for your pet, and usually isn't good for humans either.

3) Do bring plenty of fresh water for yourself and your pet. Even a short outing during the summer can quickly work up a sweat.

4) Don't go out into the wilderness or unfamiliar area alone or without telling someone where you are. The possibilities for this to turn dangerous are endless.

5) Remember: Dogs sunburn, too! Just like humans, dogs can burn from the sun and develop skin cancer, especially on the lighter-colored skin often found around noses, eyes and on the tummy. If you are in the hot sun for awhile, apply sunscreen to these areas on you and your pooch!

6)Don't take your dog to a 'high-traffic' pet area if you are unsure about your dog's behavior off-leash and/or around other dogs. If your dog is questionable, it's probably not a good idea to take him on a trail where you know it is likely you will encounter other dogs off-leash. This makes everyone uncomfortable and could cause a fight.

7)Don't allow your dog off-leash in an area that you are unfamiliar with. All it takes is random wildlife, a noise, or other distraction to spook or excite your dog and your nice outing could turn into a wild chase through the woods.

8) Do make sure that dogs are allowed! Nothing is worse than to drive all the way to a destination to walk the dog only to be told they are not allowed, and have to drive back home.

9)Do make sure your dog has eaten a reasonable amount of time before beginning exercise. All breeds of dogs (but especially larger, barrel-chested breeds) can 'bloat' (twisting of the stomach, trapping gases etc)from vigorous exercise on a full stomach.

10) Have fun!

By always keeping safety at the back of your mind, you can keep having fun with the rest of it! Now get out there and soak up that sunshine!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dock Dogs in Maine!

Pete Risano's Mighty Kennel Shop chain of 13 pet stores is hosting one of the world famous Dock Dogs events at one of his stores locations on Sat June 25th and Sunday June 26th. So for all of you thawing out Northern New England types who have been hibernating laying on your couch all warm and snug with your dog during the long cold , dark and icy winter, it's time to get outside.

Catch some sun and long overdue warm weather as the dogs dive and fly over the huge pools and defy gravity. This high flying event will guarantee a splendid time for all.

Everyone is encouraged to enter your dogs at the events or just be a spectator. The event is part of The Sportsman's National Series. This Series consists of several events which are scheduled to take place across North America throughout then season. See 'ya there!
Event Location
The Kennel Shop
200 Expedition Dr
Scarborough, ME 04074

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


JUNE 18TH – 20TH & JUNE 25TH – 27TH, 2010

The 2010 Hawaii State Fair will be host to the high flying action of a DockDogs® the independent governing and sanctioning body for dock jumping and dock diving canine performance sports. The exciting and crowd drawing action will be taking place in the Lower Halawa Parking Lot at the prestigious Aloha Stadium, so make sure to take advantage of this special event by experiencing the fastest growing sport for canines in the world.

Throughout both weekends DockDogs® will present the Big Air® Wave competition accompanied by an Extreme Vertical® competition for both competitors and spectators to enjoy. The Big Air® competition features dogs running down a 40’ dock and diving into a pool of water after an object, in which they are electronically judged for the length of their jump while the Extreme Vertical® competition is a “High Jump” for the dogs as they each lunge to snag a “bumper” suspended in the air. With each grab, the height increases in 2-inch increments until only one dog is crowned king.

The competitions are open to any and everyone. Teams are made up of one dog and one handler. Your canine must be 6 months or older to be eligible. Canines of any breed, size or shape are welcomed. Not only is the competition open to all types of canines, but also handlers above the age of 7 are welcomed. We even have a Junior Handler class for those who are between the ages of 7-14.

So if you or anyone you know has a dog that likes the water, gets along with other dogs and enjoys a good “chew toy”, this event is for you! Pre-registration will be available by logging onto, beginning in May or you can register on-site at the beginning of each day. The website will also provide an up-to-date schedule and general information on all DockDogs® affiliated events.

DockDogs® is the independent governing and sanctioning body for regional, national and international dock jumping performance sports. DockDogs® establishes the rules and standards of the sport, tracks results and records and supports and promotes the growth of its athletes, events, spectators, and sponsors. For additional information visit