As many of you probably know there have been some disastrous floods that have occurred around the US in the past few months. Many people have suffered tremendously with their homes and lively hoods being ravished. Some people even lost their lives in these horrific floods. Unfortunately many dogs have also suffered, are lost and some have even lost their lives.
There is a remarkable organization called United Animal Nations that helps bring animals out of crisis all over the world through a variety of programs including emergency sheltering and disaster relief services by supplying food, medical care and safety for animals stricken by natural disasters or other tragic circumstances such as animal abuse.
They also spend allot of their time and limited resources educating adults and children about how to care for and help animals.
Private donations are what keeps this organization going. Please take a few moments and visit their website or contact them. http://www.uan.org/index.cfm?navid=1