Thanks to Hawai'i's first-ever DockDogs competition, enough dog enthusiasts have come forward to launch a DockDogs club in Hawai'i. With the creation of this club, each of the states will have at least one group of dogs and their owners busting radical airs and extreme jumps off the docks while they reach for the stars (or that elusive 30-foot mark!).
During the second weekend of the Hawai'i DockDogs competition, a DockDogs bootcamp (conducted by Kristi Baird, president of Puget Sound DockDogs and owner of Buddy, the #1 Chocolate Lab worldwide) took place to provide the necessary resources and and training needed to get the club up and running. A 10-Step Affiliation Process is followed in order to become a DockDogs Affiliated Club:
1) Submit home base address.
2) Host informational meeting
3)Determine club name, membership fees and officer list
4)Design club slogan and swag
5)Create constitution and bylaws
6)Send Members for Manual Judging Certification
7) Compile membership list
8)Register buisness
9)Create club activity timeline
10) Submit club application, bylaws, and payment
Normally this process takes awhile, however, due to the overwhelming interest it was decided to get the club started before the first ever DockDogs event in Hawai'i ended.
Before the competition at the 50th State Fair, this sport was virtually unheard of in the islands. Just two weekends of high-flying fun was all it took to bring the locals out (along with some amazing local dogs!) and generate excitement and enthusiasm needed to push the club into gear. If you are interested in finding a club near you, or starting your own, you can find the tools you need at Also, almost every team has a facebook page (see Aloha DockDogs).... try doing a DockDogs search in your area and see who you find! Your local club can provide training tips, locations, and even support in entering national competitions. For more exciting photos from the Hawai'i competition, updates, and contests, visit fab4pets' facebook page (