The Global Pet Expo Show was awesome! We had an extremely productive show. The response for all of our products was phenomonal and greatly appreciated. We saw some old faces and some new faces. It was great to see everyone. We also had a most excellent time during the evening hours in the balmy Florida air. Weezington aka THE WEEZE made a suprise late night appearence too.
Here is a shot of our hard working CEO Kevin being all suave and charming with one of the many visiting babes at our booth. From the looks of things she has really taken a shine to him or maybe she wants a comp of some of our sweet Fab4Pets gear that has everyone talking. Either way she really has a twinkle in her eye for our boy. Can you blame her?
Besides his native Southern California tongue, Kevin speaks a few other languages fluently. He is probably laying a barrage of some of his debonair tri lingual skills on her at that very moment.
None of us have any recolection of whether or not this conversation turned into a sale.
Here is a shot of our hard working CEO Kevin being all suave and charming with one of the many visiting babes at our booth. From the looks of things she has really taken a shine to him or maybe she wants a comp of some of our sweet Fab4Pets gear that has everyone talking. Either way she really has a twinkle in her eye for our boy. Can you blame her?
Besides his native Southern California tongue, Kevin speaks a few other languages fluently. He is probably laying a barrage of some of his debonair tri lingual skills on her at that very moment.
None of us have any recolection of whether or not this conversation turned into a sale.